“I made my first appt with Jeanne to change my relationship with food. I had bad habits that were self-sabotaging and I wasn’t succeeding at making the changes myself. I was open to the idea of EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) – to change my relationship with food mainly because it sounded so absurd. A big part of me was skeptical. In one appointment, we were able to narrow down to the exact reason specific foods triggered emotional and physical reactions. Even I was in disbelief of the changes that were happening inside of me. I had just experienced something that I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t actually experienced it myself. Tapping is like magic only better. Walking out of that appointment, I literally felt lighter. I left behind old habits, old triggers, old stressors, old reactions, and old baggage. I stepped into a new chapter of my life the moment I left that appointment.”